Conservative Lady

October 4, 2008

Website Update

Filed under: Obama — brytani @ 2:19 pm

I will be offline for the next two days as we upgrade our home for wireless networking. 

Check back Monday for an explosive article on Obama’s direct ties to terrorism, both foreign and domestic.  You can’t miss this post!

See you then!!


September 30, 2008

Just Another Political Blog

Filed under: Introduction — brytani @ 10:46 am
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Just Another Political Blog

Yes it is. This is just another political blog. Any why not?

After all it is the political season and politics effects all of us, shapes our world and global economy.

Admit it, you’ve pissed.

When some political hack, speaking in the most condescending tone, informs you; “you’re an idiot”. A drooling in your soup idiot who is incapable of taking care of yourself.

But it’s ok, do not panic!

You are safe, you have them, your elected officials to tell you how to live your life, how much you can afford to pay and when you should pay it, and if you forget to pay, don’t worry, we’ll just take it from you. See, everyting is wonderful if we care for you. We’ve even removed the need to think for yourself.

The only way to un-idiot onesself is to never forget, you need the government to guide you. If you dare to disagree? You’re obviously from some idiot group of Americans. So you’re pissed. Good.So why another political blog?

Simple. I live politics the way most women live soap opera’s and Ophra. I discuss politics, I argue politics, I put myself out there by campaigning for candidates and issues I feel strongly about and in the end, issues of politics can make me angry, double over with laughter and all too often, pray our country can survive another year of political hacks doing what is best for us.

A person can not live on politics alone, I have other passions that will be touched on in this blog. From cooking, animal rescue, football and temari, (betcha don’t know what that is, another reason to keep reading) I hope to anger you at times, I hope to make you think, I hope to make you laugh but most of all, I hope to keep your interest.

So grab a drink, pull up a chair and start reading.


Bookmark Conservative Lady

October 1, 2008

And then there is even more on Obama and his fear of Free Speech

Filed under: censorship,Obama,Political — brytani @ 9:23 pm
Obama, Not Bush, The Quasi-Fascist On Free Speech
by Ben Shapiro

Barack Obama poses as a champion of true American values. He sees himself as “a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.”

In reality, though, Barack Obama is just another in a long line of Chicago-style, free speech-squelching political thugs springing from the festering pit of Democratic machine politics.

His rhetoric quashes debate. For all his talk about Americans uniting, he’s not afraid to attribute opposition to his candidacy to xenophobia — people who think he has a “funny name” or that he “doesn’t look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills.”

His supporters run roughshod over legitimate criticisms of Obama. “I want you to argue with them and get in their face,” Obama tells his backers. They listen. In August, Obama encouraged his followers to shut down the WGN Chicago radio appearance of National Review reporter Stanley Kurtz. Obama’s supporters were issued talking points and told to call into the station in order to plug the lines. They dutifully did so. Obama’s minions duplicated the feat with David Freddoso, author of “The Case Against Barack Obama.” Spurred to action by a mass e-mail from the Obama campaign — an e-mail labeling Freddoso a “vicious” slanderer specializing in “hate-mongering” — the Obama supporters jammed the WGN phone lines, forcing the show to a standstill.

Most importantly, though, his legal team threatens anyone who doesn’t support the One with lawsuits and prosecution.

This week, two state prosecutors in Missouri proclaimed that they were joining an Obama “truth squad.” Jennifer Joyce and Bob McCulloch, the top prosecutors in St. Louis, city and county, respectively, announced that they would “respond immediately to any misleading advertisements and statements that might violate Missouri ethics law.” The Obama camp claimed that Joyce and McCulloch were not threatening prosecution — but the invocation of Missouri ethics law says otherwise. Use of such law to prosecute political opponents would be blatantly unconstitutional.

This is hardly the first time the Obama campaign has attempted to trample the First Amendment by unleashing the subpoena squad.

In August, the American Issues Project released an ad tying Obama to American terrorist Bill Ayers. Obama’s team responded by calling on the Justice Department to begin “an investigation of the American Issues Project; its officers and directors; and its anonymous donors, whoever they may be.” The next day, Obama’s legal advisors sent another letter to the Justice Department, this time demanding that Harold Simmons, the chief funder of the AIP, be prosecuted for “knowing and willful violation of the individual aggregate contribution limits.”

In September, the National Rifle Association aired an ad targeting Obama for his opposition to the Second Amendment. Obama’s legal team sent letters to stations airing the ad, stating, “For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should refuse to continue to air this advertisement.”

Obama says he opposes the so-called Fairness Doctrine, which would force radio stations to air both liberal and conservative viewpoints, essentially shutting down talk radio, or turning it into NPR. But should the American public believe he won’t reverse himself on the Fairness Doctrine to shut down his political critics? Obama has been known to “reconsider” positions in his time: offshore drilling, Israel’s undivided capital in Jerusalem, public financing, meeting dictators without preconditions, branding Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization, illegal immigration, decriminalization of marijuana, running for president in 2008, NAFTA, clean coal and Jeremiah Wright, to name just a few. In fact, it is difficult to name a single position Obama has not parsed.

Except for one position, that is: Barack Obama fervently believes that Barack Obama must never be attacked for any reason. All criticism is illegitimate. Furthermore, it should be illegal.

Liberals have told us for eight years that President Bush is a Hitlerian tyrant intent on stopping political debate. For eight long, unceasingly acrimonious years, liberals have called Bush a murderer and a traitor. They have that right — and the fact that Bush has not sought to undermine that right demonstrates his commitment to the First Amendment.

Obama’s commitment to the First Amendment, by contrast, extends only to those who agree with him. He’ll use any means at his disposal to stop his opponents. If Barack Obama has his way, all criticism of his presidency will end on January 20, 2009. The Messiah must not be questioned.,_not_bush,_the_quasi-fascist_on_free_speech?page=full

Should the NRA have Free Speech Rights in America?

Filed under: censorship,Obama,Political — brytani @ 3:18 pm

According to Barack Obama’s campaign, the answer is no.

Recently, the NRA began running anti-Obama commercials in various states challenging Obama’s claim of support for the 2nd Amendment.

The NRA, is the largest, best funded and most outspoken group in support of an Americans right to own firearms. Whether you agree with the NRA or not is not the question. The question is, do they have the right to run commercials showing Obama’s ever changing position on gun rights? See the commercials for yourself…..

NRA Commercials

The Obama Campaign took issue with the claims in these ads, and instead of making their own commercials or clarifying Obama’s prior and current position on gun ownership, the campaign has threatened to file suit, threatened licences for television/radio stations that have played NRA commercials.  Once again, Obama shows he does not believe in Free Speech, unless it is speech he approves of.

This week, Obama’s campaign general counsel Bob Bauer wrote seeking to censor the ads at stations in Pennsylvania.  Source

Full text of the letter from the Obama Campaign can be found here; they even include cute cartoon Pinocchio’s at the end, how mature.

“Unlike federal candidates, independent political organizations do not have a ‘right to command the use of broadcast facilities,'” Bauer writes. “Moreover, you have a duty ‘to protect the public from false, misleading or deceptive advertising.'” 

“This advertising is false, misleading, and deceptive,” Bauer continued. “We request that you immediately cease airing this advertising.”

“Unlike federal candidates, independent political organizations do not have a ‘right to command the use of broadcast facilities,'”  – Oh really?  Does that apply to Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Code Pink,, Emily’s List etc etc?  The answer is an obvious no.  All of those groups, and more, have been running anti-McCain – pro their political position adds since this campaign started, the campaign has been relarkebly silent on these adds, given they do not have the right to broadcast their views in commercials. 

Obama contends these adds are misleading, yet a closer inspection of the adds shows one problematic fact, all are based on a vote or statement from Obama or Joe Biden. 

The campaign relies on and an opinion piece that ran in the Washington Post for evidence of supposed “misleading information” in the NRA adds.

Aside from the “fact” that is owned and operated by Obama supporters and financed from the campaign, their own claims have been debunked:

Obama Campaign ties to found to be wrong on Obama and 2nd Amendment issues,2933,427347,00.html

Either I can keep boring you with links after link, or I can just give you Obama own words and actions.

Obama: ‘I’m Not Going to Take Your Guns Away even if I wanted too, I don’t have the votes’ Wall Street Journal September 5, 2008

 “I am not in favor of concealed weapons,” Obama said. “I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations.” Pittsburg Tribune-Review  Candidates’ gun control positions may figure in Pa. vote  April 2, 2008 

The Obama campaign Tuesday disavowed a questionnaire he submitted to the Independent Voters of Illinois-Independent Precinct Organization in 1996 to support his state Senate candidacy.

“35. Do you support legislation to ban the manufacture, sale and possession of
a. handguns?

While a complete ban on handguns is not politically practicable, I believe reasonable restrictions on the sale and possession of handguns are necessary to protect the public safety. In the Illinois Senate last year, I supported a package of bills to limit individual Illinoisans to purchasing one handgun a month; require all promoters and sellers at firearms shows to carry a state license; allow civil liability for death or injuries caused by handguns; and require FOID applicants to apply in person. I would support similar efforts at the federal level, including retaining the Brady Law.

b. assault weapons?


c. ammunition for handguns and assault weapons?

I would support banning the sale of ammunition for assault weapons and limiting the sale of ammunition for handguns.

36. Do you support legislation
a. mandating background checks of purchasers of weapons at gun shows, through the Internet and through print advertisements?


b. increasing penalties for illegal resale of weapons?

Yes.” 2003 Independent Voters of Illinois – Independent Precinct Organization Questionnaire.

“Obama never saw the ’96 IVI-IPO state Senate questionnaire — it was filled out by a staffer who unintentionally mischaracterized his views on a number of issues,” said Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt. LaBolt said the staffer was then-Obama state Senate campaign manager Carol Harwell, who could not be reached Tuesday for comment.” If actions speak louder than words, votes scream. They must be considered the ultimate expression of a position. So how does Barack explain how his voting pattern matches his questionnaire responses?”,CST-NWS-sweet12.article

“But the campaign of Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said that he “…believes that we can recognize and respect the rights of law-abiding gun owners and the right of local communities to enact common sense laws to combat violence and save lives. Obama believes the D.C. handgun law is constititional.” (Too bad the USSC disagreed)  The Chicago Tribune November 20, 2007 “Court To Hear Gun Case”

These qualities of hospitality, patriotism and endurance are exactly what Californians need to hear about Pennsylvanians. And when he spoke to a group of his wealthier Golden State backers at a San Francisco fund-raiser last Sunday, Barack Obama took a shot at explaining the yawning cultural gap that separates a Turkeyfoot from a Marin County. “You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said. “And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

And the ultimate list of Obama’s anti-gun stance

Ok, ok, by now you get the point.  Obama has not exactly been a friend to gun owners or those who support the 2nd Amendment. 

So, the largest group in the US runs commercials, using Obama’s own votes, statements and views- the Obama Campaign flips out.  After all, the American people do not need to know anything other than what “I” The Chosen One, tells you.

And if anyone attempts to say anything, I don’t agree with, we’ll use all options, including law enforcement, stripping of your licenses, the Justice Department and the courts to stop you.  The days of Free Speech in America are over.

If this doesn’t scare you, you’re not an American.

Even A Brit Realize Obama Hates Free Speech

Filed under: censorship,Obama,Political — brytani @ 1:49 pm
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Enlightening article in today’s issue of the National Review Online.  Andrew C. McCarthy makes the case that Barack Obama’s fear of free speech and his willingness to use law enforcement to squelch debate, is more dangerous then allowing Sharia Law, as is happening today in Britain.

I’ll be blunt: Sen. Obama and his supporters despise free expression, the bedrock of American self-determinism and hence American democracy. What’s more, like garden-variety despots, they see law not as a means of ensuring liberty but as a tool to intimidate and quell dissent.

We London conferees were fretting over speech codes, “hate speech” restrictions, “Islamophobia” provisions, and “libel tourism” — the use of less journalist-friendly defamation laws in foreign jurisdictions to eviscerate our First Amendment freedom to report, for example, on the nexus between ostensible Islamic charity and the funding of terrorist operations.

All the while, in St. Louis, local law-enforcement authorities, dominated by Democrat-party activists, were threatening libel prosecutions against Obama’s political opposition. County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, abetted by a local sheriff and encouraged by the Obama campaign, warned that members of the public who dared speak out against Obama during the campaign’s crucial final weeks would face criminal libel charges — if, in the judgment of these conflicted officials, such criticism of their champion was “false.”

Obama and the tactics of his campaign are no different then Taliban style suppression.  If American wakes up the realization that Obama and his followers have no respect for our constitutionally guaranteed rights, he wil be given the power, as President, to put his “world view” into action.  By then, it will be too late.

If you value American freedoms, you can not consider voting for Obama.

September 30, 2008

Listen to Governor Matt Blunt on Obama using law enforcement to suppress free speech

Obama can’t seem to stay out of trouble – all you have to do is follow the money

Many thanks to Count Us Out – Puma’s for McCain

More evidence of the tolerant left

Filed under: censorship,Obama,Political — brytani @ 11:34 am
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The evidence continues to pour in; the Harvard affirmative action student seems unable to recall teachings on the 1st Amendment.  I’ll cut him some slack, as a constitutional lawyer, it must be awfully difficult to remember silly fundamentals, like the Bill of Rights.  Maybe he was just present that day.

Please take the time to read the new column by Bernard Chapin over at Pajama’s Media.  Obama’s campaign tactics should frighten both the Left and Right in this country. 

For all of our differences, I always believed there was one tangible link both sides agreed upon, Freedom of Speech.  I am forced to reevaluate my belief the more I learn about Obama and his “live action wire,” followers.

Know who and what you’re voting for.

From Cohen’s article:

“Legal methods appear to be their response of choice. When a commercialfrom the American Issues Project linked Obama to former Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, the campaign filed a complaint with the Department of Justice requesting that the 527 be criminally investigated. Simultaneously, they contacted “stations running American Issues Project’s ad in an unsuccessful attempt to compel them to pull the spot.” The same tactic was used in the primaries in regard to Hillary Clinton. Luckily, the Department of Justice does not — as of yet — deem the free expression of speech a felony or a misdemeanor.”

If this does not frighten you, you’re not an American.

Update on Gov. Blunt’s Press Release

Filed under: censorship,Obama,Political — brytani @ 3:28 am

Well there is more.

I’m told that the DOJ will be looking into (most likely referring to the FBI) this as a possible civil rights violation as well as violation of free speech. Specifically St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, could face individual jeopardy for misuse of office.

Actually Governor Blunt himself could order his State Attorney to open an investigation.

Remember it was the democrats that accused President Bush of politicizing the Justice Department and this is far beyond that. Most likely the announcement of the DOJ will come this week.UPDATE: STACLU with more.

See the original report on the Obama “Truth Squad” 

Thanks to Macsmind for posting this update!!

September 29, 2008

A New Trend in the Battle for Change

Filed under: censorship,Obama,Political — brytani @ 1:51 am
Since this campaign began, fellow conservatives described Obama as a Socialist, Marxist and a Communist. After the events of the last few weeks, I must add another description; the reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels.
Saturday September 27, 2008

“Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.”

Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement

JEFFERSON CITY – Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics.

“St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign.

“What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment.

“This abuse of the law for intimidation insults the most sacred principles and ideals of Jefferson. I can think of nothing more offensive to Jefferson’s thinking than using the power of the state to deprive Americans of their civil rights. The only conceivable purpose of Messrs. McCulloch, Obama and the others is to frighten people away from expressing themselves, to chill free and open debate, to suppress support and donations to conservative organizations targeted by this anti-civil rights, to strangle criticism of Mr. Obama, to suppress ads about his support of higher taxes, and to choke out criticism on television, radio, the Internet, blogs, e-mail and daily conversation about the election.

“Barack Obama needs to grow up. Leftist blogs and others in the press constantly say false things about me and my family. Usually, we ignore false and scurrilous accusations because the purveyors have no credibility. When necessary, we refute them. Enlisting Missouri law enforcement to intimidate people and kill free debate is reminiscent of the Sedition Acts – not a free society.”

Thanks be to God that someone with authority is willing to stand up against the Obama Campaign Machine.

Using law enforcement to squelch debate and intimidate isn’t Obama’s only dog and pony show. According to the Fredericksburg Free Lance Star, Obama continues to forget we have First Amendment Rights. He forced the University of Mary Washington, where he spoke on Saturday to prohibit sign and banners from the rally, and requested anyone who dares bring one to be removed.

Now I realize a man who is too frightened to go on Fox News may have a nervous breakdown over the thought of a paper cut, yet, what he fears most is dissent.

With Obama’s “vision” for our country, his “to each according to their needs” “social policies, demonization of the wealthy combined with a distaste for small businesses and corporations , are remarkably similar to the political philosophy from a party that seized power in Germany on September 14, 1930.

Is this what we are to expect from an Obama presidency? With his history of radical associations does anyone doubt, under his administration, an office of propaganda will be established?

Obama has already shown willingness to use law enforcement to censor dissent. This alone is worrisome enough. That 2 Circuit Attorneys and a Sherriff agreed to join him in this revolution makes one wonder, how many more members of the law enforcement and judicial system are willing to burn the Constitution in order to install Obama as our leader?

St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce and Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer all read from the Goebbels handbook and accepted the philosophy. I hope, Governor Blunt removes all three from office and launches an investigation into others who are willing to sell their souls to Obama.

It is becoming clearer as the campaign moves along – Obama has two intents for the United States; to move us from a capitalistic society to a socialist nation, financing the move on the backs of the “wealthy” and business. And to abolish parts of the Bill of Rights that disrupts his vision for America.

According to the Wall Street Journal, on September 5, 2008 Obama said “I’m not going to take your guns away, even if I want to take them away, I don’t have the votes in Congress”. When playing poker, one should never show their hand. Do you doubt, Obama would take all guns?

As an affirmative action student at Harvard didn’t he learn the 1st Amendment? Yet the man isn’t stupid nor ignorant, the most likely scenario, free speech to him is like garlic to a vampire.

Actions speak louder than words and Obama’s true colors are showing. America, we need to wake up to the reality of this man and take action now. When Governor Giuliani said at the RNC “this is the most important election in our history” his words were prophetic.

If Obama is elected, he will set back our country for generations to come.

It is our responsibility as Americans, Conservatives, former and current Military and the 60% of Americans because we are patriotic tax payers (Thank you Joe), to do everything in our power, legally, to see to it that Obama never again steps foot in the White House.

For those who sit back and this “This is America that would never happen here” have forgotten an important lesson, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

September 27, 2008

First debate down – what should McCain do better or keep the same for the next?

Filed under: Political — brytani @ 10:06 pm

The first debate is over, the talking heads are in bed for the night dreaming of platitudes for tomorrow, and the net is buzzing with polls, blogs and opinion pieces on the biggest question “who won?”

I watched the debate tonight with trepidation, concerned the events of the past week would hinder McCain’s ability to stay focused and upbeat. Oh ye of little faith, McCain quickly warmed up showing himself as the confident maverick he is.

History will not elevate tonight’s debate to the level of other historic debates of our time. Scholars and pundits will examine every sentence uttered by each candidate in the hopes a phrase will lead to a crystal ball divining the final results of an overly long campaign. Each candidate stood their respective ground in an attempt to win over the all important independent and undecided voters.

McCain is incredibly good at answering any question thrown at him with clarity and conviction. His message is not muddled. A linear thinker, McCain does not become derailed in an attempt to “prove” his knowledge of the topic at hand. For this reason alone, score the debate McCain 1 Obama still warming up.

Obama, lacking a proven track record to rely on, is forced to fill his answers with metaphors, flourishes and my choice for the most hated liberal catch-word; nuance. Obama managed, at long last, to speak off the cuff without a hint of oh’s and um’s. His handlers trained him well, and it showed. Reports indicate the Obama teleprompter is now looking for a part-time work. Obama’s biggest gaffe? His incredibly immature moment of “I have one too!” when he related the story of an Army Sgt. killed in action who’s bracelet Obama wore on his arm. Hint to the campaign, if you are going to attempt to show a death affected you and shaped your views……know the person’s name.

Yet, for all the polish Obama showed, nobody came away from watching the debate with clear insight of Obama plans to reduce taxes for 95% of all Americans. Nor can they repeat his plan to finance what may or may not be in his proposed spending package.
No one, with an ounce of integrity, can say Obama displayed an understanding or a clear-cut plan for his administration’s Foreign Affairs Policy. No insight was forthcoming on dealing with terrorists, enemies of the US or foreign suppliers of oil who are holding our country hostage. Should we assume an Obama administration will rely on Biden and the UN Security Council in these matters?

Obama towed the party line on Iraq and Afghanistan yet once again, no specifics ideas or policies were given. McCain’s ran circles around Obama on Foreign Policy issues. McCain leads while Obama talks. Obama requires counsel McCain is contacted for counselor. McCain travels overseas to learn for himself, Obama googles to learn about a crisis situation. McCain puts country first, Obama puts Obama first.
McCain showed Obama tonight to be lacking in every quality one needs to be an effective leader. Yet, he didn’t hit hard enough. Those of us who have studied Obama’s history, the little bit that has been released or hasn’t been whitewashed, question his integrity, ethics and choice of role models. Millions of voters do not have the time to carry out an in-depth investigation of Obama. With few exceptions, the public is being fed a fictionalized accounting of Obama and his record. McCain’s greatest asset in this campaign is Obama.

McCain must in future debates hammer home Obama’s history and record. Obama’s campaign staff and his advisors can be traced back to corruption at Lehman Brother, Fannie Mae and Fannie Mac. Obama was the second largest recipient of donations from Freddie and Fannie combine that with Lehman Brothers contributions to Obama a line is drawn directly to Obama and his advisors. Why did McCain stay silent on this issue? Those that advise and worked with Obama should not and cannot be taken off the table as they are directly responsible for the culture of corruption placing the US in the worst financial crisis since 1929. I can only hope McCain intends to bring up these issues during the next debate on the economy.

Obama has a history of excusing and wrapping his arms around terrorists, terrorist sympathizers and anti-American zealots. Ayers to “Uncle” Rev. Wright, to Jodie Evans and Code Pink to Sal Alinsky; Obama shows his true colors by the company he keeps. McCain has, on this issue alone; the ethical duty to expose who Obama looks too for guidance, philosophy and moral direction.

The very fact of Obama’s personal and political involvement with these people establishes a history lacking i judgment and an underlying hatred of America. How can America trust Obama to protect them when he has and still surrounds himself with terrorists?

McCain’s greatest strength is his love of America, a love that cannot be denied by even his most fanatical critic. When an undecided voter weighs McCain’s love of country vs. Obama’s, McCain wins hands down. Once again, McCain must go to war for the US. This time the enemy is a fellow senator whose history indicates is more concerned with ripping America apart then elevating her back to greatness.

Another target McCain must continue to hit is Obama’s dismal voting record. Whether it is abortion, gun control, taxes, the Patriot Act, earmarks, ACORN, Sex Education for Kindergartners, to the surge, Obama votes two ways; wrong or present. McCain wins points from simple stating Obama’s own irrefutable voting record.

Finally, Americans have been sold an empty suit by the media and for good reason; as their own polling shows, the more Americans learn about Obama, the more they dislike him. Since we can no longer trust the fourth estate to vet Democrats, McCain has an open minefield to target Obama with. Done correctly, McCain can turn this election into a Reaganesque landslide.

In my opinion McCain won this debate, but it was close enough the media can give this inning to Obama without looking completely in the tank for him. We still have the rest of the game to go – McCain has three more chances to prove he is the right man for the job, if tonight was any indication McCain scored a hit but needs to aim for homeruns.

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